Sunday, September 25, 2011


Speaker Gingrich spoke to the crowd at NRA Convention and proved how wise a leader he is.  His knowledge and grasp of the Constitution and particularly the Bill of Rights is unsurpassed.  He made ir clear to all of us that he understands and believes that the 2nd. ammendment is for one thing only.  To prevent a despot from sitting in the Whitehouse.

Monday, September 19, 2011


The founding fathers arranged for the Federal Goverment to levy taxes to pay the debts, provide for the common Defense, and the general Welfare of the United States.  Article 1, Section 8.  Our problem is that not all citizens pay such tax.  In a country of free people, enjoying all the benefits of such freedom ALL citizens should contirbute.  The tax rate must be the same for all citizens, perhaps as low as 10%, but every dollar of income should be taxed at the same rate.  By doing this citizens have a vested interest in what Government does.  Now our system allows almost half of our population to pay nothing while living on someone else's hard labor.  Bad system!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Electric cars that the Feds had to buy because noone else wanted them.  Wind Chargers that will NEVER pay for themselves before they wear out.  Ethenol boondoggel.  And now the solar panel maker that ate a half billion dollars of taxpayers money.  All because of one man with a bloated ego and an idiot mentality.  But he will go the way of all despots!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Obama is a great fan of FDR and his schemes during the great depression.  FDR threw money at the problem then and it only got worse.  Obama, deluded as he is, thinks that it will work this time.  Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah!

The President went before Congress last night (why thry gave him time is a mistery) and made another campaighn speech.  Same old stuff comes from him every time he opens his mouth.  Give me more money to spend and I will  solve all the worlds problems.  He and his ilk must go!